
Poesia John Brandi In What Disappears 113 pag, 2003, White Pine Press English Spanning the years since the 1995 publication of “Heart’s Geography: New & Selected Poems,” these poems traverse distant lands, as well as the continent of the heart. In travels that take him through North America, Southeast Asia, the Himalayas, Vietnam, India and… Continua a leggere Poesia

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Rare & collectible editions Poesia Visiva Rare editions Poesia visiva / Visual poetry Ltd Poesia sonora / Sound poetry Poesia concreta / Concrete poetry Experimental poetry  Visual writing Creative writing New writing Verb-Visual Arts Verb-Visual writing   more than 600 titles available for sale, including artist books, periodicals, Ltd editions, audio recordings, exhibition catalogues…  … Continua a leggere Rare & collectible editions Poesia Visiva