Rare Editions video vhs, DVD, CD-ROM

Rare Editions video vhs, DVD, CD-ROM

more than 1000 Rare Editions video vhs, DVD, CD-ROM titles available for sale, including; avant-garde cinema, diary film, experimental film, Found footage, animation film, performance art, video art, structural film, documentary cinema, underground film, abstract animation, essay film, ethnographic film, arthouse cinema, new media art ….


Lust: 12 Sexy Shorts

Subtitles: ‏German, English, French, Italian, Spanish

2004, Lowave, 80 min. DVD

€ 150,00 (NEW)

01 Chocolate Sperm, Bosiljka Simonovic

02 Always Sergey, Stefan Weinert

03 Video Montevideo, Patrick Volve

04 Faim De Communication, Caroline Tabet

05 Intention, Evelyne Perard, Veronique Petit

06 1+1-1, Takafumi Muranushi

07 Pron, Michael Betancourt

08 Loosli, Matto Kämpf

09 Sesso Annunciato, Marco Della Fonte

10 Fear And Love In Helsinki, Nofe

11 Palindrome, Menotti Bucco

12 Krieg im Sunshineland, Natalie

Réservé aux adultes

Le DVD Lust : 12 sexy shorts est une production ambitieuse jetant un regard humoristique sur le passe-temps privilégié des hommes et des femmes : la recherche du plaisir ! C’est une ballade cinématographique qui nous mène dans un univers pétillant qui commence par le sexe pour certains et qui se termine par une séparation pour d’autres. Des expériences qui se dissolvent, loin de toute compréhension, dans une vision floue de l’amour. C’est un inventaire non exaustif – et qui pourrait prétendre l’être ici !! – des différentes tactiques d’attaque et de défense dans la lutte permanente contre la solitude. Un univers dans lequel les règles sont simples, mais où les gagnants ne les respectent pas.

Awka Liwen (Rebelde Amanecer)

un film di Mariano Aiello e Kristina Hille

sceneggiatura di Osvaldo Bayer

77 min. DVD, 2010

AWKA LIWEN è la storia della lotta per la distribuzione della ricchezza in Argentina, dai massacri contro i popoli indigeni e il furto dei loro territori ancestrali, all’attuale ribellione delle corporazioni agricole per evitare di pagare le tasse.

Sold – Non disponibile / Not available

Die Fettecke 1986 (Joseph Beuys)

Edited by Michael Bielicky and Ricardo Peredo

1986, 235 Media, Cologne

Video vhs-pal, 40 Min.

€ 500,00 (Rare Editions video New)


The incident at Kunstakademie Düsseldorf in 1986 when a work by Joseph Beuys was removed by employees of the institution is reconstructed and interpreted in Die Fettecke von Joseph Beuys. Bielicky and Peredo allow experts and colleagues (from Klaus Staeck to Nam June Paik) to have their say, and consider their own work experimental, a “video sculpture.” The most important sculptural effect here indeed is that the image appears tipped over at a 45-degree angle. Michael Bielicky and Ricardo Peredo Werde thus garnered the reactions of various sympathisers of Joseph Beuys’ work, which they edited together with images by the artist himself in a kind of audiovisual collage characterised by its great formal liberty (use of a vertical format, modification of image and sounds, etc.).

The Ingmar Bergman Archives

Edited by Paul Duncan and Bengt Wanselius

Hardcover, 592 pag, 12.5 x 2.5 x 19 inches

Tachen 2008

  • an original film strip from a copy of Fanny and Alexander (1982) that has been played on Bergman’s own film projector.

  • a DVD containing over 110 minutes of new and rare documentary footage: Bergman’s On Set Home Movies (18 mins, with commentary by Marie Nyrer d); Behind the scenes of Autumn Sonata (20 mins); An Image Maker (32 mins), behind the scenes of The Image Makers by Bengt Wanselius; and A Video Diary of Saraband (44 mins), assistant director Torbjrn Ehrnvall’s video diary from Bergman’s last film, in which Bergman talks about his life and work.

Other contributing authors:
Ulla berg, Peter Cowie, Bengt Forslund, Birgitta Steene

Sold – Non disponibile / Not available





Chris Burden

Documentation of Selected Works 1971-74

colour and b&w, sound, 34:38 min. 


1990, 235 Media, Cologne

€ 1.500,00 (Rare Editions video New) 

(last available copy! – Last items in stock!)

This compilation is an historical document of one of the most extreme manifestations of 1970s conceptual performance art. Included are the infamous Shoot (1971), in which Burden allows himself to be shot in the arm; Bed Piece (1972), in which he stayed in bed in a gallery for twenty-two days; and the notorious Through the Night Softly (1973), which featured Burden, arms tied behind his naked torso, dragging himself over shards of broken glass. Also included are: 220 (1971) Deadman (1972) Fire Roll (1973) Icarus (1973) B.C. Mexico (1973)  TV Ad (1973) Back to You (1974) Velvet Water (1974).

Bruce Conner

Two Films by Bruce Conner :

Crossroads, 1976

Looking For Mushrooms, 1959 – 1965 and 1996 Music by Patrick Gleeson and Terry Riley

DVD 52.min

DVD of two films by Bruce Conner : “Crossroads” and “Looking for Mushrooms.” Music by Patrick Gleeson and Terry Riley. 52 minutes. Color and black-and-white. From the publisher’s statement : “CROSSROADS : Edited from declassified footage, Conner has fashioned a film masterpiece illuminating the first underwater Atomic Bomb test at Bikini Atoll on July 25, 1946 as both fact and symbol of our age. The atomic detonation in the center of 90 Japanese and United States warships is seen as an event in itself, as theater, as sculpture, time, clouds, mist. LOOKING FOR MUSHROOMS : A dream of searching for magic mushrooms filmed in San Pedro Tenancingo, Mexico and San Francisco. Thousands of single-frame shots are combined with multiple exposures to create a dazzling array of semi-abstract images. An experimental tour-de-force edited in camera.”

€ 1.000,00 (Rare Editions DVD as New) 


Andrea Flamini  


Book + DVD. 7×7 hardcover, 40pp, 2009. Edition of 200

On the DVD: n4, single-channel video, stereo sound, color, 14min 58s, loop.

€  500,00 (Nuovo- New) 

(last available copy! – Last items in stock!)



Barbara Hammer


Re:Voir Video

Sanctus 1990 19′

Still Point 1989 8′

Vital Signs 1992 9′

“Sanctus composes and recomposes, in a astonishing found-footage film, a series of “x” (ray) films shot in the 1950’s by the doctor and film director James Sibley Watson.” Florent Guezengar

“In Sanctus, Barbara Hammer addresses in a visually and aurally stunning fashion the co-fragility of both human existence and the film emulsion, the raw material onto which she creates images.”

Jon Gartenberg

(VIDEO VHS PAL NEW) € 300,00

AK 100: 25 Films by Akira Kurosawa

(DVD, 2009, 25-Disc Set With Book)

Criterion Collection

Sold – Non disponibile / Not available

Peter Liechti

Signer suitcase – On the Way with the Artist Roman Signer

1996, Colour 85 min / PAL / Switzer original version / Subtitles : German, English, French, Spanish and Portugese.

2007, Absolut Medien

DVD € 250,00 (NEW)

A film from Peter Liechti around the work from Roman Signer. Artistic performances, installations and objects used by Roman Signer.

is a kind of road movie across Europa. From the Swiss Alps to eastern Poland, from Stromboli to Iceland. Always following the scenery’s magically charged contours. Immersing yourself, letting yourself be infected, then travelling on. Roman Signer determines the route that we are moving on and the film improvises along the way.
Being on the road also means tracking down the right places. Signer brings them alive using his own personel instruments, brilliantly simple operations full of subtle humour. «Simple» poems being transmitted into space with INSTRUMENTS as gunpowder, fuse, rubber boots, balloons, stool, small table … and a three wheelded Plaggio.

SIGNERS KOFFER is furthermore also a journey through the state of mind. A tightrope walk between fun and melancholy. Danger also mental mental danger becomes the stimulus of the senses. Sudden crashes, abrupt chagnes of mood determine the rythm and atmosphere of this cinematic journey.

‘I show as much of the surroundings as i needed for people to imagine the centre. I don’t want to prove or verify anything, I want to touch something.’ Peter Liechti.


Chris Marker

Immemory, 1998


€ 500,00 (New)

Platform: CD-ROM for MacOS and Windows PC

Production: Coproduction Centre Pompidou, Musée national d’art moderne / Les films de l’Astrophore

Edition: Direction des Editions du Centre Pompidou

Publisher’s Notes: “Chris Marker organise les fragments marquants de son oeuvre et de sa vie sous forme de “zones” interactives concernant le cinéma, la guerre, les voyages. Il ‘cartographie le pays imaginaire qui s’étend au-dedans de lui.’”

Additional notes: Immemory a été composé avec Hyperstudio […] Traitement d’image: Fractal Design Painter / Adobe Photoshop / Studio 32 / Morph / Kai’s Power Tools.

Selected notes from the CD-ROM booklet by Chris Marker:

“Dans nos moments de rêverie mégalomaniaque, nous avons tendance à voir notre mémoire comme une espèce de livre d’Histoire: nous avons gagné et perdu des batailles, trouvé et perdu des empires. A tout le moins nous sommes les personnages d’un roman classique (‘Quel roman que ma vie!”). Une approche plus modeste et peut-être plus fructueuse serati de considérer les fragments d’une mémoire en terms de géographie. Dans toute vie nous trouverions des continents, des îles, des déserts, des marais, des territoires surpeuplés et des terrae incognitae.

De cette mémoire nous pourrions dessiner la carte, extraire des images avec plus de facilité (et de vérité) que des contes et légendes. Que le sujet de cette mémoire se trouve être un photographe et un cinéaste ne veut pas dire que sa mémoire est en soi plus intéressante que celle du monsieur qui passe (et encore moins de la dame), mais simplement qu’il a laissé, lui, des traces sur lesquelles on peut travailler, et des contours pour dresser ses cartes.”

[In our moments of megalomaniacal daydreaming, we tend to view our memory as a kind of History Book: we have won and lost battles, found and lost whole empires. At the very least we are characters from a classic novel (‘My life is such a novel!’).

A more modest and perhaps more fruitful approach would be to consider the fragments of memory in terms of geography. In every life, we would find continents, islands, deserts, swamps, overpopulated territories and terrae incognitae. From this memory we can draw the map, extract images with more ease (and truth) than do stories and legends. That the subject of this memory is found to be a photographer or a filmmaker does not imply that his memory is more interesting than that of any passing gentleman (or moreover, than that of the lady), but simply that he has left traces with which one can work, and contours to help draw up the map.]

Immemory CD-ROM

“Mon hypothèse de travail était que toute mémoire un peu longue est plus structurée qu’il ne semble. Que des photos prises apparemment par hasard, des cartes postales choisies selon l’humeur du moment, à partir d’une certaine quantité commencent à dessiner un itinéraire, à cartographier le pays imaginaire qui s’étend au dedans de nous.”

[My working thesis was that every somewhat extensive memory is more structured than it seems — that photos taken apparently at random, postcards chosen following momentary whims, begin given a certain accumulation to sketch an itinerary, to map the imaginary land that stretches out inside of us.]

“L’Art de la Mémoire’ est […] une très ancienne discipline, tombée (c’est un comble) dans l’oubli à mesure que le divorce entre physiologie et psychologie se consommait. Certains auteurs anciens avaient des méandres de l’esprit une vision plus fonctioinnelle, et c’est Filippo Gesualdo, dans sa Plutosofia (1592) qui propose une image de la mémoire en termes d’«arborescence» parfaitement logicielle, si j’ose cet adjectif.”

[‘The art of memory’ is a very ancient discipline, fallen (that takes the cake!) into oblivion as the divorce between physiology and psychology came to pass. Certain antique authors had a more functional vision of the twists and turns of the mind, and it is Filippo Gesualdo, in his Plutosofia (1592) who proposes an image of memory in terms of ‘branching’ that is perfectly “softwary”, [softwarian?] if I dare use this adjective.]

Jonas Mekas

Walden: Diaries Notes & Sketches  

1969, 16mm, color 180 min.

2003, Re:Voir Video & Paris Experimental

Cardboard box, 20.2 x 13 x 7.8 cm.

With Jonas Mekas, P. Adams Sitney, Tony Conrad, Stan Brakhage, Carl Th. Dreyer, Timothy Leary, Baba Ram Dass, Gregory Markopoulos, Allen Ginsberg, Andy Warhol, Jerome Hill, Barbet Schroeder, Jack Smith, Edie Sedgwick, Nico, The Velvet Underground,
Ken Jacobs, Hans Richter, Standish D. Lawder, Adolfas Mekas, Shirley Clarke, Jud Yalkut, Peter Kubelka, Michael Snow, Richard Foreman, John Lennon, Yoko Ono…

  1. Video “Walden”

Two VHS videotapes:

  1. “Walden 1-2-3″, length: 80’00”
  2. “Walden 4-5-6″, length: 90’00”
  3. Book “Le livre de Walden”

20 x 12.5 cm. Pages 150 English/French

Lastly by following each cut in the film, this book is a systematic exploration of the shots, sequences, situations and characters included in the film Walden (1969) by Jonas Mekas.
Includes a preface with two texts, one from David E. James and a second by Jean-Jacques Lebel, as well as a bibliography and index.

€  1.500,00 (Nuovo- VHS & book New)


Jonas Mekas Presente Flux Friends 

(French Edition)  

Editions du Centre Pompidou (2002)

Pages 160


Special edition in cardboard box covered with various stamps. In addition contains the 160 page book plus the Re:Voir VHS cassette (52 mins) of ‘Three Friends’ (John Lennon, Joko Ono, George Maciunas) plus a 32 page booklet plus two Re:Voir catalogues. 159 p. : ill., facsims, ports ; 22 cm. Text of Fluxfriends in French, text of booklet in French and English. Slight shelf wear to cardboard box.

€  600,00 (Rare Editions video New)

(last available copy! – Last items in stock!)

                                                                         Peter Mettler



Canada/Switzerland / 2002 / 180 minutes

Sound-design and music by:

Peter Bräker, Fred Frith and DJ Dimitri de Perrot, as well as utilizing music by Jim O’Rourke, Henryk Gorecki, Tony Coe, Knut & Silvy, and Christian Fennesz.

A filmmaker’s quest for transcendence becomes a three-hour trip across countries and cultures, between people, over time. From the scene of his childhood in Toronto, Peter Mettler sets out on a journey that includes evangelism at the airport strip, demolition in Las Vegas, tracings in the Nevada desert, chemistry and street life in Switzerland, and the coexistence of technology and divinity in contemporary India. Everywhere along the way, the same themes are found: thrill-seeking, luck, destiny, belief, expanding perception, and the craving for security in an uncertain world. Fact joins with fantasy; the search for meaning and the search for ecstasy begin to merge. An intuitive, visionary journey, and a lucid and personal portrait of our times, Gambling, Gods and LSD may change the way you look at the world.

                                                                             €  250,00 (DVD New – Out of Print)

Paul Morrissey

Trash, 1970

vhs virgin 1982

With: Joe Dallesandro, Jane Forth, Holly Woodlawn, Michael Sklar, Geri Miller, Andrea Feldman

Rare Editions video used

Sold – Non disponibile / Not available

Visions of Warhol

Video vhs pal (new)

€ 800,00 

(last available copy! – Last items in stock!)

-JONAS MEKAS                                                       AWARD PRESENTATION TO ANDY WARHOL 1963, 12’ with Gerard Malanga, Baby Jane Holzer, Ivy Nicholson, Gregory  Markopoulos…


with Allen Ginsberg, Peter Orlovsky, Tuli Kupferberg, Ed Sanders, George Maciunas,
Barbara Rubin, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Mick Jagger…

ANDY WARHOL 1965, 18’

with the Velvet Underground, Lou Reed, John Cale, Nico, Ingrid Superstar…

Antoni Muntadas Media Architecture Installations

Antoni Muntadas

Media Architecture Installations

Interom directed by Antoni Muntadas with the collaboration of Anne-Marie Duguet

€ 600,00 (Nuovo- New)

This project is an Interom that Muntadas defines as a format combining a CD-ROM and an exit on Internet. It is part of a series of works that investigates contemporary social spaces through architecture and media archetypes. An imaginary space.
An hybrid space composed by different sorts of functions and “values” based on concepts, displacements, projects and process, all related to a series of Muntadas’s works “Media Architecture Installations”
This project indeed tries to make connections between the works traveling through their physical space and their discourse.

publisher : Centre Pompidou, September 1999

coproduction : Université de Paris 1 (CRECA) / Centre Georges Pompidou with the cooperation of  Ministère de la Culture, Délégation aux Arts Plastiques (FIACRE)
with the participation of Fundación Arte y Technologia (Madrid),  Fundación la « Caixa » (Barcelona),  Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), Le Métafort d’Aubervilliers,  Fonds franco-américain pour l’art contemporain « Etant donnés » and ZKM Institute or Visual Media (Karlsruhe).



Raphael Montanez Ortiz 


A Selection works from the late 1950’s- late 1980’s

60 min.


1996, 235 Media, Cologne

€ 1.500,00 (Rare Editions video New)


(last available copy! – Last items in stock!)

A selection of works from the late 1950’s – late 1980’s which begins with one of a number of piano destruction concerts performed at the DESTRUCTION IN ART SYMPOSIUM held in London England in 1966 / Inclued are de-struction piano concert fall-out-installation, PIANO DUET FOR HUELSENBACK / a recreation for my retrospective of 1988 at the Museo del barrio NYC, of a 1967 work performed at Judson church NYC , an audience participation piece, DE-STRUCTURATION-ROOM. :

Everything in the room is destroyed by the opening night public / also included here are excerpts of 1957-58 8mm film, ritually de-structured 16 mm film / laser-video-film computer de construction animations first begun in 1983, first exhibited in the 1984 Joseph Papps-public theatre, latin american, film-video festival / 1982-83 computer generated music & graphics / 1961-65 ritually de-structured furniture sculpture / De-structuration performance ritual / 1965 penny-candy assemblages / Late 50’s – very early 60’s paper towel, paper cups and toilet paper construction-destructions / 1975 Maya Zemi Dream Works / etc.

Psychic Television – Psychic Tv

First Transmission

2 video VHS, Limited Edition, Numbered, PAL, Box Set, Booklet, poster

TOPY (Thee Temple Ov Psychic Youth), UK, 1982

David Tibet, Genesis P-Orridge, Paula P-Orridge, Peter Christopherson, Stan Bingo, Derek Jarman, Brion Gysin, Cosey Fanni Tutti, Monte Cazazza, Paula P-Orridge….

Sold – Non disponibile / Not available

Cindy Sherman

Office Killer, 1997, USA, 82 min

Cecchi Gori DVD 2007


Cindy Sherman


Carol Kane

David Thornton

Molly Ringwald

  • Inglese, Italiano

  • sottotitoli Italiano

Come la monotona esistenza di Dorine Douglas, placida redattrice di un futile magazine, si trasformò in una sarabanda omicida… Infatti messa alle strette da esigenze di riduzione del personale, la nostra si trova costretta a continuare la sua collaborazione al giornale da esterna: cioè abbandonare la vitalità della redazione e confinarsi nel claustrofobico e monotono universo domestico. Unica forma di comunicazione verso l’esterno, l’asettica e-mail… Nella solitiudine delle sue quattro pareti, Dorine cerca di impadronirsi dei segreti dei software che costituiscono il suo ultimo legame col mondo. E’ in questa esplorazione che finisce accidentalmente per uccidere – via computer – un collega… Ma l’episodio non sconvolge la donna, anzi la tempra. Da questo momento, in un delirio di lucida follia assassina, comincia la mattanza…

€ 150,00 (DVD Nuovo- New)



Tatsuya Mori

Tales of a Terror Cult: A (1998)and A2(2001)

(2 DVD)

Facets, 2009

136 min.

131 min.

Japanese with English subtitles

In these two controversial documentaries, filmmaker Tatsuya Mori reveals the inner workings of the notorious Aum Shinrikyo cult, which was accused of releasing deadly poison gas into the Tokyo subway in 1995.

Sold – Non disponibile / Not available


Wolf Vostell

Vostell 60 / Rückblick 1992 /(75′)

VHS PAL (limited edition of 100 signed)

€ 1.000,00 (Rare Edtions video New)

1. Aktionen (8’37”) – 1954 bis 1992 (Stadtmuseum Köln)

2. Environments (16’13”) – 1958 bis 1991 (Kunsthalle, Köln)

3. Papierarbeiten (5’32”) -1955 bis 1991 (Kunsthalle Mannheim)

4. Grafik & Multiples (5’59”)

5. Bilder (22’22”) – 1954 bis 1991 (Rheinisches Landesmuseum Bonn)

6. TV-Video & Intermedia (19’32”) 1958 bis 91 (Städtisches Museum Mühlheim/Ruhr)

Musik: “Le Cri” von Wolf Vostell

Rare Editions video vhs, DVD, CD-ROM

per ordinazioni/for orders contact:

info@complusevents.com / +39 333 735 89 83